Specialist Asset Managers

That stay ahead of the curve.

With over years of 'hands on' experience as a retail, commercial and industrial property investor, Angelo Efsthathis -- our Managing Director -- has a keen understanding of what it's like to walk in your shoes. He knows what you expect and how to deliver it.

ANGELO EFSTATHIS Managing Director
0418 884 480

Angelo is a third generation property professional and has spent the last 30 years as an active retail, commercial and industrial investor/developer himself. Angelo really knows what is like to walk in your shoes as a property owner, and has brought together an experinced team of property professionals that will go out of their way to deliver what you expect from an asset manager. That's his promise to you!

Angelo prides himself on being very 'hands on' with his approach tothe First Asset Management business and is easily contacted, should you ever need to discuss a matter in respect to your property.

Our Specialist Team intuitively know how to add value to your property

To achieve his vision, Angelo has handpicked a team of highly experienced property professionals
who are passionate about delivering exceptional service and achieving outstanding results.

Real Estate Results Network

And the real benefit to you is that First Asset Management are supported by some of the top coached in Australia and New Zealand through the Network.

What is the Real Esate Results Network?

Real Estate Results Network (RER) is an real estate group of highly innovative and progressive Agencies across Australia and New Zealand.

Developed by Australia's leading business strategist and real estate coach, Michael Sheargold,the Network offers a select group of independent real estate professional's, access to the most advanced complete business learning and development system in the world today.

With just 1 in approximating 30 agencies being invited to particapate throughout Australia and New
Zealand, First Asset Management is proud to be associated with the RER Network

The information, strategies and framework that Network Members benefit from, offers an even
greater competitive edge in producing outstanding results for our clients.

"For this select group of Agency Principals and their teams, The Real Estate Results Network
represent a powerful new direction for leadership, advice and competitive edge strategies." Says
Network founder Michael Sheargold.

"One of the many benefits of the Real Estate Results Network supports is connected like-minded real
estate professionals who are committed to growth and developing themselves and their business
for the benefits of their clients."

Unlike franchise groups, the Real Estate Network supports the independence and branding of
individual business. It also requires a real commitment to performance excellence and business
development through ongoing professional development and professional peer interaction
throughout Australia and New Zealand.

What does it mean to you

When you appoint First Asset Management to manage your retail,commercial or industrial
property you are dealing with an asset manager whose operational standards has been validated
and benchmarked by an external organisation,the RER Network.

As a RER Network Member, First Asset Management invest more in training and development of
their asset management team than 99% of all other property management companies, producing
better tenant management, negotiation and communication skills - all aspects of the business that
impact massively in the way we manage your valuable property asset.

RER Network members are committed to

  • Client Satisfaction
  • Consistency of Performance
  • Commitmment to Learning
  • Team Contribution
We Will:

Provide advice on lease structures that will
see your investment not only retain its value,
but realise it's future growth potential.

Negotiate lease terms on your behalf with
tenants, ensuring your property's value is
enhanced and not restricted -- or worse,

Deal with your tenants in an expert manner, handling
all queries and issues in a way that achieves the best
possible outcome for all.

Ensure your property in maintained to the
highest standards

Provide advice on rental and sale values,
keeping you informed for market trends.

Since the future value of your property is largely dependent
upon its management, you simply can't afford to partner with
a non-specialist commercial asset manager.

Contact Us today for more information on how we can help
maximise the returns from your investment.